Welcome to fossdocs!#

You will find here FOSS tutorials about the following topics:

  • Technical communication

  • Software documentation

  • Front/backend web development

About the author:

Fayçal Alami-Hassani - @GlobalTech Translations - @gnufcl@fosstodon.org

  • Technical communicator, translator and interpreter

  • Markup: reStructuredText, Markdown, DocBook, XML

  • Web development: HTML, CSS, PHP, MySQL, JavaScript, jQuery

  • Text editors: Nano, Atom, Sublime Text

  • Version control: Git, CVS

  • OS: Debian, Fedora

  • Now learning: Docs-as-Code based on Antora with AsciiDoc

  • Currently reading:

    closed_book Web Security for Developers - Real Threats, Practical Defense - Malcolm McDonald - No Starch Press - ISBN: 978-1-59327-994-3

    closed_book Eloquent JavaScript - A Modern Introduction to Programming - Marijn Haverbeke - No Starch Press - ISBN: 978-1-59327950-9


This project is under active development. If you have any questions, please send an email to: info[@]globaltech-translations[.]com - PGP KeyID: 0x52D6AF10